Your Local Art Community

We are a group of artists from the 757 area of Virginia. We meet online through Discord and in person for art jams, pop-up markets, hangouts, self-promotion and more! Read more

Your Local Art Community

Our community welcomes artists of all ages*, backgrounds, beliefs, lifestyles, sexuality, personal interests or identity. We honor freedom of expression so long as it is not harming anyone. Our artists range between modern media artists (comics, anime, kawaii, zines, etc) to fine artists and crafters.
About the founder
*Our Discord server is for only for artists over 18.

Your Local Art Community

Artist Alley 757 was founded in 2021 by Yorktown local artist, and SCAD graduate, Lex, whom after being cancelled on social media for their art content, sought to create a community of artists who could unite over what draws them together instead of what tears them apart. Lex believes above all else, that art can build bridges and tear down social boundaries that divide people.